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Job Openings

Recently FAWE Africa, a network of 34 National Chapters, held her General Assembly in Nairobi at which eleven (11) FAWE Board of Directors were elected to run the affairs of the organisation for a three (3) year stint. According to the FAWE constitution, the General Assembly convenes every three years to assess progress towards achieving organizational goals. During these sessions, members also participate in the election of the Governing Board. The primary role of the Board is to provide overreaching policy guidelines to the FAWE Africa network on behalf of the General Assembly. In order to ensure that the newly elected board fully comprehends their roles and responsibilities, an induction process is implemented. This comprehensive induction program focuses on familiarizing the board members with FAWE Africa’s mission, vision, and goals. The training underscores the governance role that the board is expected to play and guides them through the organization’s policies and procedures. The objective is to enhance their capacities and equip them to fulfill their roles effectively. FAWEZA, on behalf of FAWE Africa, is seeking the services of a qualified and experienced consultant to induct the new Board of Directors for one (1) day in Lusaka.

Purpose of Consultancy
The purpose of this consultancy is to engage a professional who will conduct a one-day induction for the new Board of Directors of the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE). The consultant is expected to provide comprehensive training, guidance and insights to facilitate the effective integration of new board members into their roles and responsibilities.

Broad Areas to be Covered During the Induction
The induction will cover the following broad areas: FAWE Africa overview; Board roles and responsibilities; overview of organizational policies and procedures; overview of strategic goals and objectives; overview of the role of financial oversight; stakeholder engagement; team collaboration and dynamics; and continuity and succession planning.

Training materials and training report.

Assignment duration
One day induction training on Sunday 21st January 2024

Application Requirement
Qualified and experienced firms / individuals should send their technical and financial proposals to: Executive Director, FAWEZA, by email only by 22nd December 2023. Details of reference can be obtained on FAWEZA website and face book.

Detailed Terms of Reference

Job Category: Consultant
Job Type: Part Time
Job Location: Lusaka
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