We are part of the bigger Regional Pan African network of 33 National Chapters, the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE).
FAWEZA promotes formulation, enactment and implementation of policies, legislation and programmes that support increased participation of girls and women in education. At policy level FAWEZA participates in the review and validation of a number of documents. At implementation level, FAWEZA together with other like-minded organizations acts as a “watch dog” to ensure that education and gender policies and programmes are implemented in a way which does not disadvantage girls and women. At community level FAWEZA mobilises and sensitizes communities on affirmative Gender policies and stimulates community response to such policies and programmes.
Furthermore, the organization is a Network Member of the Zambia National Education Coalition(ZANEC), Non-Governmental Organizations Gender Coordinating Committee (NGOCC) and the Civil Society for Poverty Reduction(CSPR).
Our Mission
“We advocate for policies and legislations that promote gender equity and equality in education by fostering interventions that encourage positive interventions that encourage positive attitudes towards girls and Women’s Education in Zambia.
Our Vision
“A Zambia where females and males have equitable access to education at all levels, participate and benefit equally from National Development.”
Our Values
We believe in:
- Equity; Inclusiveness and diversity
- Team work; Professionalism
- Transparency and accountability
- Value for Money
- Volunteerism; Non-partisan
What we do
Years of
A gender justice non-governmental organization formed in 1996, by Minister of Education in Zambia, the late Hon. Dr. Kabunda Kayongo.
Part of the bigger Regional Pan African network of 33 National Chapters that form the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE).
FAWEZA is present in all the ten (10) provinces of Zambia, and works closely with communities and government through the Ministry of General Education.
Through our interventions and programmes FAWEZA has helped girls and women access equitable and equal opportunities in education.
Meet Our National Secretariat Staff