The Forum for African Women Educationalists of Zambia (FAWEZA) implements interventions that are aimed at empowering learners in financial literacy with an aim of changing their mind set in regards to saving and raising money. This has seen a number of learners engaging in income generating activities to raising funds to pay for their schools fees and buying school requisites such as books, uniforms and pens.
In its quest to scale down this knowledge to learners at school level, the organization enhances the capacity of teachers and community members in order to sustain its interventions. FAWEZA has trained teachers from North-Western, Northern, Eastern and Southern Provinces in financial literacy training supported by the Norwegian Church Aid and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

The teachers were expected to train learners and impart them with entrepreneurship skills. Currently about 6,150 learners have been trained in financial literacy in Zambia. FAWEZA believes that the financial literacy is a more sustainable way of ensuring that education support for learners is not only limited to schoolarships but income generating for learners to support for their education.
FAWEZA working with the Ministry of General Education, UNICEF and the Curriculum Development Centre has developed a financial literacy Manual which it uses to train teachers and in turn teachers use it for training learners.
Key outcomes have been recorded under this intervention among some of the outcomes includes, learners engaging in income generating activities.